About Retreats
Why Retreat?
Do you feel disconnected? From others? From yourself? Have you forgotten your deepest values and dreams for your life? Do you feel a calling from within…is your soul’s voice trying to speak to you but you can’t hear it? Are you exhausted and need to get away?
The reasons are different for every woman. Our intention is to create the space and the place for you to have a meaningful experience. It may come from having someone else take care of all of your needs, or from being in a supportive environment with other likeminded women, or from the deepening exercises of the Your Possible Life program. It will probably be a combination of all three.
Please email me with any inquiries about retreats.
What Happens at the Retreat
How your life may be transformed at The Women’s Weekend Retreat is always an indescribable experience. It’s a highly personal and internal experience, however, I can tell you some things about the actual setup and a bit about the program.
A safe space was created for each of us to take off the masks that we present to the world, and to truly be seen for who we really are without fear of judgement. It truly was a magical weekend!
—Karyn G.
Friday Evening
We gather on Friday evening, and start with a meal. This is a very social time where we all meet for the first time and begin the important bonding process. Everything we have done has been for the purpose of creating a safe and loving space for women to come together to be authentic, to let their hair down and to hear their inner wisdom. We also come together to share each other’s wisdom.
Friday evening is dedicated to creating a sacred circle of connection and trust. After dinner, we meet in a large circle where we are asked to think about why we are here and what our intentions are for the weekend. Powerful questions are asked to help us begin the inner journey back to ourselves. We are instructed in how to go within and speak from a deeper place…to get in touch with our deepest desires…to talk from our depths…our souls.
Each participant will receive a beautiful manual that accompanies the work she will be doing in the retreat sessions. In this manual you are given opportunities to reflect and record what you are thinking and feeling during the weekend as many exercises are designed to open you up to your inner life.
Later Friday Night
After we have started the process on Friday night, everyone goes back to their cottages. Then they either decide to turn-in or join other women for a night of getting to know each other, talking, laughing and drinking coffee or wine. Although all meals are provided, each cottage has a fully equipped kitchen…so bring your own coffee to make in the mornings and snacks for late night.
Early Morning Yoga
The mornings are spectacular as we begin both Saturday and Sundays mornings with a yoga session led by Barbara Margotta, certified Kripalu Instructor. This alone is worth going to the retreat. Barbara is a gifted teacher. We do gentle yoga which everyone and anyone can participate in. Bring your mat if you have one (if not, let us know) and wear comfortable clothing. As a matter of fact, wear comfortable clothing all weekend. We end each morning yoga session with a meditation that sets our state of mind for the inner work of the day.
After yoga, we have a delicious breakfast together as a group and then begin the Saturday programs.
Saturday’s Program
On Saturdays, we form smaller groups and are guided through many exercises designed to help us have an authentic, enlightening experience. We will continue to ask the deeper, powerful questions of our lives. Using music and inspirational readings we will invoke the spiritual side of our beings to come forth and speak to our lives. We ask to be reminded of what truly matters to each of us and of how we want to be living.
After a beautiful lunch (the food really is delicious), and an afternoon session, we break around 3 pm. During this time, women get massages, take naps, take nature walks, or talk in small groups or pairs. We get together again for supper and then a special evening program. I can’t tell you too much about this part of the program except that it is very special and it ends with a bonfire.
Saturday night women usually still have even more to talk about with each other. You are bound to find either someone to talk to or a quiet spot to reflect.
Hearts were touched, hands were held and tears were dried by laughter, all in a safe environment for renewal. Thank you Kathy and all my new wise sisters for embracing me and leading me in the direction in which I can thrive.
—Robin H.
Sunday morning begins with another yoga/meditation session followed by a unbelievable Sunday brunch.
After brunch, we have another large circle gathering to close the retreat. This is one of the most powerful segments of our time together because we talk about our commitments to ourselves. We learn to share our visions for our lives and to ask for support from our new sisters. We take time to be thankful. We close the weekend and go home.
After the Retreat
Every woman goes home changed at some level, to some degree (some more than others.) Some have only seen glimpses, some have seen the whole picture. Some women have come to several retreats…one after the other. Because of the inner growth work, because of the need to retreat and be in the company of other supportive women, whatever the reason, women return again and again to the Women’s Weekend Retreat. People ask why? This is when it really becomes indescribable. What happens for each women is unique. But one thing I’m sure of is that every woman gets something that they need. Even if it’s just a weekend away from home in a beautiful nature retreat where all of your needs are taken care of…but you will also get a healthy, healing dose of self love, caring, and insight about your life.
We know that everyone who comes to the retreat comes because they hear an inner calling to be there. Don’t resist if you feel the urge. You will be well cared for. You can have a life changing experience. You will be in a community of like minded women. Do something just for you.