Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

Welcome to The Journey of a Lifetime,
Come and be a part of The Journey.
Light a candle, pick up your journal, or journal here on our pages.
Let this be a Safe Place for you to
Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

What if….?

You are receiving this invitation because somewhere along your path you have connected with me and my work or people who know me who also know you. Exactly where we all come from does not matter. What matters is that we are all on the same path…the path of consciousness, awareness, and possibility.

This is your invitation to participate in an online community. Should you choose to join, every two weeks you will receive an email that will present you with an opportunity to stop and take some time out of your busy life to reflect, to remember, and to remind yourself…of who you really are and what you really want. Of what your deepest values and beliefs are and of how you want to be in your life. Of what you want your life to stand for.

Every other week you will be presented with a powerful question that will invite you to listen to your inner voice and tap into the wisdom and the strength you need to create your ideal life.

Questions like this one…..

What if….?

What if I said Yes?

Give yourself the gift of just a few moments to reflect on this question.  This question might mean different things for each of us.  For some, it might provoke the question “What if I said Yes to life?”  For others, it might just mean “What if I said Yes to this invitation to join an on-line community of like-minded people asking the powerful questions of our lives and exploring the possibilities?

What if you took some time to listen to yourself and to share with others?

How would this serve you?

How would this serve others?

How might your day be different?

How might your life be different?  Learning how to stop, reflect, listen and share will change your life. Take a few minutes to sit quietly and allow your inner wise voice to respond to the question…..

What if….?

If you choose to share your thoughts with others, respond below. If not, that too is okay. Maybe you will choose to respond privately in your journal. Maybe you will just choose to listen. All is good…all is purposeful….all will serve.

I invite you from the bottom of my heart to come and join our community. May this become a safe place for you to explore your life!

Please take a moment to visit the new website!

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15 Responses to “What if….?”

Sally Z.Hare says:

I love your new blog — and admire you for stepping into the 21st century. I am still a bit slow in getting there! I also find that my strong introvert temperament prefers eavesdropping to writing! I am here — and I will be reading on a regular basis — and will respond as I feel called to do so. I really want to understand how being part of this virtual community can serve my life — and how I can serve others through my participation. Most of all, I admire and respect you, Kathy — and want to be supportive and learn with you.

Beth Haselden says:

I am very excited about your new website and blog and am very excited about possibly learning new things about myself by taking the time to reflect on What if? I like Sally Z. Hare like eavesdropping to writing but will be trying to come out of that habit and starting new habits that will enable me to explore what I could be missing:-) Thank you.

Sue Burden says:

This is so exciting, and I am thrilled to be a part of it! Thank you for all of the work you have put into this for all of us. I look forward to the possibilities…absolutely YES!

I can’t wait to start challenging myself, thoughts and actions. Living alone makes it easy for one to get away with stuff…not seeing or noticing what’s around us…I am 100% in.

Kathy Murphy says:

I love the way that women know themselves and know what they need. Whether it’s Sally saying she likes to listen, or Beth saying that she is a traditionally a listener who wants to step out and be more active, or Sue who says she’s ready to challenge herself full on. We know who we are, what we want, and what we need. Already, less than 24 hours since I launched this blog and we’re already considering the possibilities.

Cindy Carrigan says:

Kathy, What a wonderful nudge to us all. Thank you. I had clipped an article, not too long ago, that suggested we try to ‘Always Say Yes.’ For introverts and extraverts alike, it presents opportunity to expand and grow. So, Yes! I’m in.

Cindy Carrigan says:

I searched the Internet for “Just Say Yes” to locate the article I had referred to earlier. I had thousands of hits from a famous rock title, to Ritalin for our children, to the legalization of marijuana. But the most interesting read was a personal finance site, Get Rich Slowly! And their article “The Power of YES: A simple way to get more out of Life.”

The synopsis: Are you afraid to try new things, afraid to meet new people, afraid of doing anything that might lead to failure? Fear confines you to a narrow comfort zone. As taught to improvisational actors, we need to take whatever situation arises and go with it. Our ‘offer-block-accept’ patterns can be radically altered when we consciously note the things we block and accept. Step out of your zone and resolve to say Yes, and expose yourself to things you’ve never tried before.

For us introverts, this can be a big step. Start small. Try something new each week. Exercise mindfulness. And ask yourself: “What is the worst thing that could happen?” We can learn so much even from our failures.

So much for being a Blog Virgin!

Kathy Murphy says:

A Blog Virgin no more! Thank you for your thoughtful and provocative input. What a stepping out of the boat for you! You lead by example. Not only did you say Yes, you really stepped up. You took the time to deeply reflect on what saying Yes means to you and then you have the heart to share it with the rest of us….thank you.

I too believe fear is at the center of most of our blocks, I also think what keeps us from doing new things is just not stopping to take the time but instead staying on automatic pilot just flying through life. Cindy, how did it feel for you to stop and take some time to reflect and share?

Thank all of you for stopping to take the time to respond….as a community of seekers we all appreciate it.

Cindy Carrigan says:

Scary to share! (What if I appear foolish?) But your home page promises a “Safe Place” and knowing YOU improves my trust. (I also rely on the fact that “I’ll never see these people again!” LOL) Taking the time to articulate – precisely – allows my creative side to grow. Growth – that seems to be the exercise here.

Charlotte Rech says:

Thank you Kathy for this invitation and provocative question. As another introvert, I agree with Cindy that publicly sharing your thoughts is a little scary. The path of least resistance is always the easiest, but navigating the road less traveled can be much more rewarding.

Barbara Morrow says:

What if we could stand up for ourselves the way we seem to be able to do so effortlessly for others, without hesitation, even for a stranger!?! My goal is to find out, anyone want to push me out the door to take the first step? I think I need to read up more on the power of just saying yes!

Kathy Murphy says:

Think about when you stand up for someone else. What energizes you to do that? What goes through your head, or maybe it’s “what goes through your heart”? Even if we’re an introvert or shy, when someone we really love and care about is maligned or misjudged we easily and readily stand up in their defense….wonder why it doesn’t come so easily to do that for ourselves? And how do you feel when someone else stands up for you in your life….how do we accept that? I think it’s all about feeling as compassionate, loving and responsible for ourselves as we do for others. Then that will transfer over to being compassionate, loving and responsible for what we say Yes to in our lives as well.

Annalisa Jordan says:


I am so excited to know “What if Kathy moved to Charleston?” came true! Long ago you helped me to realize I was an intelligent woman with the world as my oyster! I have reflected on many things I learned over the years and it was a catalyst that propelled me to who and where I am today. I realize we need reminding of how our fears get in our way. I know to my bones that being surrounded and connected to like minded women gives us strength and courage to continue transforming our lives. I am acutely aware, I have sooo far to go on my journey- one life time is not enough! You helped me find and embrace the passion in my self! I’m with you all the way! I already know my life is moving forward just knowing you are here! Much respect and love, Annalisa

Linda Simpson says:

Hello Kathy, thanks for including me in this blogg. My friend and i attended a womans conference you were a part of a couple years ago.I can hardly believe that we were just talking about the confrence and you yesterday. What do they say nothing is by chance. I joined the blogg!! linda

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