Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Canada ~ Finally

My daughter and I were giggling the other day. She said “Mom, you’ve been traveling for over a month and you’ve only gone 1,000 miles. At this rate, you’ll be on the road forever.” She’s a bit anxious because she wants us to get to San Francisco where she lives. I assured her that we would get there…just not sure when.

After leaving the Quaker community of Pendle Hill, we made  a mad dash for a weekend at Kripalu in Lenox, Mass. While Kripalu is the premier yoga training institute in the US, we didn’t take a single yoga class.

Instead we signed up for an intensive weekend workshop. Kripalu also has leading edge programs on the topics of yoga, health, well-being, and spirituality.  This summer they will offer programs from Deepok Chopra and Martha Beck, two of my favorite teachers.

Just like the Japanese Zen retreat, we signed up for a teacher and a workshop we knew nothing about. But for some reason, we felt called to do it. And, once again, if we had known what we were getting into, we probably wouldn’t have. But we did…and I, for one, am very glad we did.

A Different Kind of Experience

Have you ever had an experience that you can’t explain to people who weren’t there?

Paul Selig is a psychic who channels spirit guides. He seems to go into some kind of a trance-like state and claims to speak the messages of wise masters from the other side. Now all of this would be very difficult for me if it weren’t for the simple fact that the message of Paul’s guides (just like all other holy and spiritual masters) is all about love. These descended masters, according to Selig, come to remind and encourage us that we are all sparks of the divine and that we should never forget this.

The teachings of the guides (via Selig) are somewhat hypnotic. They work to bypass our rational, intellectual minds and to speak to the heart….more specifically, to raise our vibrational frequency to the power of love. Throughout the weekend, we were continually asked, “Can you feel the vibration?”  I kept looking around to see who did, because I didn’t.

But on Saturday night, I felt something…a shift deep in my bones.  I felt a crack in the heart…a melting away of cynicism and doubt. I felt the vibration of pure love.  I felt the truth about who we all are…all of us. I know this is probably because of the power of suggestion, but that’s okay, because I like the suggestion.

The Inner Journey

Finally, we made it to Canada!  I have been so excited about arriving here.  Though I haven’t lived in Canada since I was an infant, I have dual citizenship with Canada and the US.  I’ve always fantasized about returning to live in Canada, but the weather keeps me in the States. When we decided to take this journey, we knew it had to include a trip into Canada and a trip to see Niagra Falls.

Walking up to this natural wonder for the first time amplified the powerful inner experience I had just had at Kripalu.  Standing in the mist of the Falls, still feeling the vibrations of love…how could one not be in awe?  How could one ever doubt in a higher power and in the magic and mystery of the natural world?  Just one look at the waterfalls of Niagra will readjust your perspective about everything.  Check out just the short little video that Michael shot when we first arrived. See the surprise rainbow!

Side Note about Where to Stay:  Numerous people had suggested a little town called Niagra-on-the-Lake.  This turned out to be one of the sweetest, most charming small towns we’ve ever visited. To top it all off was our stay at the Historic Davy House, a Bed and Breakfast Inn just one block off the main street. (It was kinda bittersweet because it was so homey and comfortable that it made me a bit homesick) We are so grateful for the hospitality and the friendship of Flo and Jeff, the owners. We’ve stayed in a lot of bed and breakfasts and I can say,unequivocally, this is the best one yet.


From My Point of View

Lessons Learned:

On living together 24/7:  Don’t get upset.  Instead pull back and look at the problem.  Then think of a better way to deal with it.

Our driving/navigating arrangement was not working for either one of us. I’m going 70-80mph, cars and trucks all around me, and there is a fork in the road.  I ask Kathy, “Do I stay left?” And she says, “Maybe!”

My first reaction was I need to help her learn how to read a map. WRONG!  I pulled back and realized it wasn’t something she wanted to do.  So I suggested we just use the car’s navigation system and trust that we will get there.  So far, we have made the Gettysburg~Lenox and Lenox~Niagra Falls trips without a problem.

I’ve named my navigation lady, Rhonda, so in case things get difficult I can break out in my best Beach Boy’s voice ~ Help Me Rhonda, help, help me Rhonda.

Kripalu:  What a peaceful place ~ rolling hills, beautiful lake and lots of vegetation.  There are fit, smiling people walking everywhere. Yoga brings a glow and a posture to people that is very elegant.  (Note to my single guy friends:  It’s about 85% women! Enough said.)

I too enjoyed Paul Selig.  Interesting, everyplace we have been has the same message.  You have the ability to choose.  If things are not working, make another choice.  You are worthy, just as you are. See the Christ in everyone.  Realize that everyone is your teacher. Either they are teaching you how to live a better life or they are reminding you of how not to live your life.

Niagra Falls:  This is our first visit just to experience the wonder and beauty of nature.  And, for me, this is where I feel God.  Everything from the falls, to the town, to the people, to the wineries (and the unbelievable breakfasts at the Davy House), this was a great experience. Canada would be a very cool place to live…except for the weather.  It’s April 20th and it snowed last night!

Coming Up

Today we leave Canada and dip back down into the States but we’ll be back when we go to Vancouver this summer.  We are heading to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Chicago, and then down to Fairfield, Iowa.  (You may remember Fairfield from the Oprah show where an entire town meditates together at 5pm.)  There is a Maharishi University and The Raj.  We are going to stay at The Raj for some ayurvedic treatments and to learn transcendental meditation. Next we will go to Unity Village in Kansas City, Missouri, to spend a weekend training in yoga and meditation followed by week of volunteer service ~ doing the spring clean-up, helping them prepare for the summer.  Can’t wait.

 Join Us on The Journey

We hope that throughout the year you will keep clicking through to see where we are. We are requesting input and feedback from all of you. Tell us where you’d like to go.  Make suggestions for us. Ask us to check some places out for you!  We are also hoping some of the places we visit and the experiences we share will ignite your life and maybe even set you off on your own spiritual journey.  We’d love to hear from all of you.  And if you know anyone who may be interested, please share our blog.

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20 Responses to “Canada ~ Finally”

Kathy Murphy says:

Michael and I are stunned and saddened by the events in Boston…transfixed by the human drama. We pray for everyone involved in this senseless tragedy. We are so impressed and proud of the response….everyone has handled this with intelligence and good judgement. May we all heal together…yet again.

Asma says:

May you be protected on your journey. The islamophobes are out in Boston hurting muslims for no reason, the perpetrators were white boys from some strict church:(
Lovely journey may Allah keep you patient and loving and together.

pattiewelekhall says:

Kathy, I have loved going on your journey with you and hubby!!! Thanks for sharing every fork in the road and your beautiful experiences along the way. Love how the class at Kripalu with Paul Selig impacted your life. Heart opening!!! Can’t get any better than that.
Safe travels.

Shari Stauch says:

What a contrast… the peace you felt in Mass., while an entire city was on fearful lockdown in same state. Maybe violent perps should be sentenced to Kripalu…

Kathy says:

I so agree, Shari. How could these two young men have lost touch so with their humanity to even think of such a horrendous act? Keep praying for peace in the hearts of everyone. Only then can we be safe….

jan says:

it’s a joy to hear from you both and take in the joys of being on the road through the eyes of the other. you are definitely doing the trip of a lifetime. true road scholars. i know i won’t see you in june at skidmore, but pass the word. it’s going to be a luscious banquet for the soul. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/359875/emal

Richey says:

It is so nice to wake up and read your progress on this journey…;) The events that have transpired over the week has left many exhausted and troubled though relieved in the end …So glad to hear how things are going… Look forward to the next post..Keep safe on the road…Many blessings

Beth says:

Namaste! Sounds like you guts are having a great time! I arrived in India two days ago & boy is this place a trip!!!! We will share tales…
Miss & love you both!

Kathy says:

Dear Kathy,
I read you book Your possible life last year. I am 65 years old. The exercize entitled re-discovering your core values changed my life. The value which I cherish the most is respect. Being aware of disrespect and eliminating it from my life feels wonderful. If only I had learned this lesson when I was younger. (I’m passing on this wisdom to my grandchildren). Thank you! Enjoy your journey. I am enjoying the emails.

Sue says:

I am enjoying your writing so much and am putting it out there that I might have a similar experience sometime in the future. Life here is good and everyone is happy and healthy, but I can’t help but feel a little jealous of your adventures. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring me to forge ahead….
Love to you both

Beth Z. says:

I thought I posted this earlier but I must not have pushed submit.
Thank you for introducing me to Paul Selig and the theory of humans as beings of light. I attended the funeral of the 20 year-old son of a friend last month. There are no words to express the sorrow but while I sat there and listened to people talk about his spirit and spark many references to light were made.
I also appreciate your comment about breaking through your cynicism. It is easy to select the path of least resistance and wallow in self-pity and negative feelings when it is all around. Thanks for the reminder to stay up beat.

Kyra says:

Love this journey with you. I am listening to Living A Course In Miracles and the message is exactly the same. We have the ability to choose. Thanks Michael for your point of view.
Blessings to you both ………..:)and Rhonda ……that made me smile.

Kumar says:

Mike, Kathy:

It is obvious you are having wonderful varied experiences. Thank you for sharing and taking us along in this journey with you. Can’t wait to read your blogs.

Jack Haile says:

Mike and Kathy,
Don’t miss Glacier NP. It is the MOST spiritual place I have been. I am returning to the wilderness there for the third time this summer. lake Kintla. Totally alone in the wilderness with the sounds of wolf packs, presence of grizzlys, cougars, and the absolute best fly fishing.

Dianne says:

So glad you got to see Niagara Falls and enjoyed it so. What a beautiful rainbow! Wonderful that you caught it on video. Enjoy the rest of the journey!

Nancy Robison says:

Well, as Jeannie and I are sitting here wondering how we can achieve the yoga pose from Kripalu (above) not that we don’t think we could do it – just tired tonight……we were wondering: Where should we meet you??? You are all over the place? What would be a good spot? What would make sense? Where could we have wine??? I just thought I would cut to the chase! Tell us where and when and we will be there. You know how much fun we are. Laugh a minute!
Love the stories!!!
Nancy and Jeannie

أنابيب النحاس says:

أنابيب النحاس-النيكل في العراق يوفر مصنع إيليت بايب أنابيب النحاس-النيكل التي تشتهر بمقاومتها الممتازة للتآكل ومتانتها، مما يجعلها مثالية للتطبيقات البحرية والصناعية. تم تصميم هذه الأنابيب بدقة لتلبية المتطلبات العالية لمختلف الصناعات. كأحد أكثر المصانع موثوقية في العراق، يضمن مصنع إيليت بايب أن أنابيب النحاس-النيكل لدينا تقدم أداءً فائقًا وعمرًا طويلاً. لمزيد من التفاصيل، قم بزيارة elitepipeiraq.com.

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