Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Peace on Earth

An old friend just came to visit me for a couple of days.  We had a great visit as we hadn’t seen each other in over a year.  We talked about everything. When our husbands asked what we did we (only half-jokingly) said we solved all the problems in the world. We actually did talk about the problems of the world. But mostly we talked about peace on earth.

Think about it.  Isn’t this what we all really want?

Imagine a world where we are all in love,

all the time, with everyone.

There would be no wars because we wouldn’t fight.

There would be no hunger because we would feed each other.

There would be no environmental breakdown because we would love ourselves, our children, and our planet too much to destroy it.

There would be no prejudice, oppression or violence of any kind.

There would be no sorrow.

There would only be peace.

Imagine this world.

(Marianne Williamson)

Imagine living in this world.   Imagine a world with no wars, no hunger, no violence.  See the vision.  Feel it in your heart.  Then ask yourself, what’s my part?  What are you doing to work towards world peace?

As I sat with my friend (as it always does), our talk turns to our heart’s desires, our longings, and what we feel called to do.    Elizabeth said her mission on earth was to do her part to get rid of hatred, one person at a time.   And she is so sincere.  She cries when she thinks about all the hatred that’s out there.

There is a lot of hatred in the world.  There are the big hatreds of prejudice and genocide and the small ones  – the ones we inflict on each other and ourselves daily.

We do inflict pain on ourselves.  Some of us actually terrorize ourselves. We terrorize ourselves with fear, self-doubt, overwork, guilt, deprivation, excessiveness, perfectionism, etc.  Maybe terrorize is too strong a word. Maybe we just don’t support ourselves, much less take good care of ourselves.  Maybe we hang on to old resentments and hurts.  Maybe we put too much pressure on ourselves with a rushed and frenzied life.   It certainly doesn’t look like we’re in love with ourselves.

Imagine.  What would your world look like if you loved yourself and if, as Marianne Williamson suggests, “you were in love with everyone all the time”?  How would that make a difference?  How would that change the world?

Eliminating the hatred and terrorism in your life will change the world.  It will certainly change your world. This requires that you change yourself – not others.  (But if you stop to think about it, you haven’t been able to change others anyway.)

This is the only way we are ever going to change the world – person by person, thought by thought.  We can ban all the bombs in the entire world, but until we banish the hatred and the lack of peace in our own hearts, they will be rebuilt.

Give the gift of peace this season.  Smile more and smile at others.  Have positive thoughts about yourself and others, send out positive energy.   Sit in the center of the mall and send out loving blessings to all who walk by. Even in relationships that are estranged or separated, love and bless from afar.

Be thoughtful and deliberate about the choices you make. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, overbook yourself, or terrorize yourself.  Treat yourself with love, kindness, and respect.  Treat everyone else this way too. Live your life peacefully.

Now you will be doing your part. You will be changing the world.

Remember to check out the Women’s Weekend Retreat in February. There is a discount for registering before the end of the year. We’ve had a great response so far and would love for you to come and join us.

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8 Responses to “Peace on Earth”

Elizabeth Millen says:

This is so right on. I love the idea of sitting in the mall and sending out loving blessings(silently, of course) to all who walk by. That would be both kind-spirited and outrageously fun!! You could get real specific about what kind of blessings to send to each one and it could really turn hilarious!!

One of my top-three mantras is “Change your attitude, Change your world”. You are so right about it all starting within each one of us. Today’s affirmation could be: I am the change I want to see in the world!

Kathy Murphy says:

Another great place to sit and send people blessings is in the airport. I like to watch people coming and going and wish them safe travels and happy lives.

I love the way Unity Church closes their services…this is also a beautiful mantra for each of us….”Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

Thanks Elizabeth for taking the time to stop and join the converation. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Jennifer Burke says:

“Let there be peace and let it begin with me” and “Change your attitude, Change your world are both powerful mantras. It is very easy to get caught up in the injustices in your life, however it is equally easy to focus on the positives and it feels so much better:)

Caitlin Mayer says:

I love this! I think, during this time of year, it is easier to be happy and believe in the idea of “peace on earth” due to all the lights, the spirit of giving and the wishings of “Merry Christmas” everywhere we go. However, then January comes and there are no more lights, and all that is left is an empty bank account and cold weather. If we can carry that same spirit of peace and love (for both ourselves and others) with us all year round I think the world would be a much better place.

On the wall in the Pink Magazine office there is a quote that ends with “The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” This idea always sticks with me. Peace on Earth is such a huge and intimidating idea, and it is easy to get discouraged in thinking we can’t truly make a difference.

However, when Jesus Christ was on the cross, being beaten and tormented beyond imagination, he chose to forgive the ones tormenting him and offer them love and peace instead. He changed the world with a single act of love, and if we all follow his example, we could do the same.

Lindsay Gifford says:

I agree 100%. Out attitude everyday is reflected upon others in our actions and emotions. Just smiling at a person as he or she walks by can change that person’s entire day.

With the amount of terror in the world, it is very hard to continually have a bright outlook. In my eyes, peace on earth seems an eternity away, but if we start today that eternity minus one day.

Remember: “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” Tis the Season to love one another.

Tara Patrick says:

I really like the part where you say that we can ban all the bombs in the world, but until we have peace within ourselves they will be rebuilt. Peace is not something that can be brought about externally; rather we must each seek it within ourselves. From the simple exercise of each day focusing on one simply act of kindness (or many) we can bring so much more joy into the world around us. If everyone made this a priority, imagine what kind of world we could live in?

Brenda Whitlow says:

Hi Dr.Kathy,

As always you speak to my hearts desires…sign me up to be in that loving peaceful state . Now that is what truly matters. This is loving well.I thank you for touching my heart again today. Great getting your blogs.
Beautiful Blessings,

Kathy Murphy says:

Thanks everyone for all the thoughtful input. Seems we all dream of peace. Each and everyone of us makes a difference, every day. Hold the vision, keep the dream alive.

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