Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

Welcome to The Journey of a Lifetime,
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Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

What Are You Really Seeking?


Taking the time to stop and figure out who we really are and what we really want and finding the courage to live it is the work of life design. (And I hate to tell you it’s work, but it is.  It gets easier over time, but it is work.)    It requires  paying a lot of attention, asking a lot of questions, and making a lot of choices.  It requires honesty, courage, self-love, commitment, discipline and even more.  People ask me all the time, why bother?

Because  there is a HUGE payoff.  Because, after doing all of this personal growth work,  you will finally be living your own one true life.  Imagine what that would feel like? I promise you it will be worth the effort. 

When what you do (your outer life) matches who you really are,  (your desires, your values, your inner life) you are then living in alignment.  You will then feel centered and grounded. When you stop and take the time, to lovingly and honestly ask the powerful questions of your life, your head, heart, and guts will be lined up, in agreement, and focused,  and you will be  “in the flow”.This is when your life feels right, like it fits.  You also know what it feels like when you are not in alignment.


Take a moment and remember the last time you felt in the flow of your life. First of all, what were you doing? How were you being?  See your face. Remember how you felt. Then freeze-frame the feeling.  (This is important information because this is  ultimately what you are seeking – this feeling).

Martha Beck says it’s not the nouns, it’s the adjectives.  It’s not the house, or the job, or the mate. These feelings, the ones that are present when you are in the flow of your life, this is what you are really seeking.   Some people are seeking to be peaceful and zen-like, some people are in their zone when they are challenged and their energy is high.  The point is:   know yours.  Know what it is that you are really seeking.

These are actually my ultimate feelings.  I am, without a doubt, more in the flow when I feel peaceful.  I do my best when I am quiet and heart-centered.  But I also seek the ultimate feelings of being focused, inspired, and challenged…..all the while being peaceful and heart-centered.  It’s a task, but it can and does happen.  This is when my life is cooking!

So, knowing what I really want, what my ultimate  desired feelings are, now I can make designs for my life based on this self-knowledge.  I can go out and  seek experiences and activities that are going to activate those feelings.  (And remember the metaphysical principle that What you seek, seeks you too.)  Odds are now I will be feeling more fulfilled and satisfied, more alive, more of my true self.   And all of this comes from having done  the work of knowing who I really am and what I really want.

Take just a moment and let yourself reflect on the following powerful questions:

What ultimate desired feelings are you seeking in your life?  When are you  in your zone?  Maybe it comes from something  you do, maybe it comes from some way you choose to think, or how you choose to be.  But remember it…reconnect with it… and let this knowledge quide you and help you make decisions every day.  Ask yourself, is how I am living my life creating the ultimate feelings I desire?

Come join us in February at beautiful Palm Key Retreat Center.

for the Women’s Weekend Retreat,

Everything that goes on during this weekend is designed

to create the space and the place  for us

to  do the intimate work of personal growth.

And, of course, there will be many, many powerful questions!

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2 Responses to “What Are You Really Seeking?”

Brenda Whitlow says:

Dear Dr. Kathy, I am soooo excited about the up coming retreat. As you well know, I have attending ALL your retreat and felt each one has as empowered me with the tools I seek in getting clear on what I want…plus your retreats create a space for me to get still, go deep and find the beautiful answers that powerfully are within. I am so blessed that my beautiful daughter Robin is joining me…what a gift to share the unfolding of our lives together…And you my dear Dr.Kathy have a clear understanding and commitment to helping us find ..What we truly want, a really …Loving Blessings,
Brenda Whitlow

Barbara Blackburn says:

I too am excited about the upcoming event! I came to one of Kathy’s Retreat on Daufuskie almost nine years ago. At the time I was a woman coming out of a 25 year marriage, I felt broken. I took a leap of faith going to the Retreat because I knew I needed to dig up the woman I used to be. Family, work, life obligations seemed to bury the woman from my past. Friends that knew me before taking on this work have described the old me; verses the woman they see today. They describe two different women and I’m proud of that because it reflects my growth. But, I’m equally proud of my friend Dr. Kathy Murphy for helping so many women by being a beacon and lighting the way so we can find the paths back to being the women we were supposed to be. Grateful,
Barbara Blackburn

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