Easter… Designed for Transformation
Spiritually, Easter is a time of awakening to unbelievable love, and is therefore a perfect time for choosing to wake up and live your life as the gift that it truly is. What better time is there for turning our heads and our hearts toward transformation?
Forget about the bunnies or the colored eggs, and regardless of your religious beliefs, this is a perfect time to tap into the huge collective energy that is here for growth and renewal for ourselves – as well as for humanity.
If you wake up to the sunrise,
all of your dreams
are still as new…
I have always loved Easter (and not just because it includes chocolate). And, in particular, I love Easter sunrise. I have always been inspired by the promise of hope and unconditional love that it brings. With each Easter sunrise, (if we let ourselves) we can be refreshed and renewed with the faith and confidence that our lives have meaning and possibility. It’s no coincidence that I chose Easter weekend for the first mini-retreat for our Transformation group.
Six women are going to sit together in a supportive, loving community and remember who we really are and what we truly deeply want. We are going to acknowledge this universal energy, honor it, and tap into it. We are going to take advantage of this time to rededicate our lives to our deepest longings and our highest calling. We are going to stop for a moment to ask the powerful questions of our lives. We are going to ask ourselves, on this beautiful Easter weekend, “What are we ready to wake up to?” “What needs to be renewed in our lives?
Let me remind you… just asking yourself the tough questions will change your life. You don’t even have to be able to answer them. Simply asking the questions opens the energy for an answer to show up. Questions are like keys that open the doors to insight, inspiration, and possibility.
The purpose of this blog is to ask the questions and to invite you to stop and reflect. Open your journal, talk with a mate or a friend, respond below. Take advantage of this Easter sunrise. Allow yourself to participate in this great mystery – this beautiful time of year that is divinely designed for our transformation.
Powerful Questions:
What are you ready to wake up to this Easter morning?
What is ready to be transformed in your life?
My new book, Your Possible Life, is now available on Amazon.
Also, the next Women’s Weekend Retreat is scheduled for Oct. 14-16, 2011. Sign up now for early registration rates.
2 Responses to “Easter… Designed for Transformation”
The answer I got to what am I ready to wake up to on Easter morning? The answer that came is Glory! Since I am Christian, I am sure that word is wrapped up with Christ, his living, and my traditions of Easter. But that isn’t what I am thinking of necessarrilly. Per the theme of waking up on Easter morning regarding my life and yours, I got the answer GLORY. But what does this mean? There are dictionary definitions, but it means something a bit different in the context of “our” transformation community. May we enjoy the radient presence of our being – individually and in community; may we affirm each other thus enabling the unique excellence of our being to show through, and may we excell on our path of growth and purpose – both individually and in community! Rejoice in love to all!
Easter, I too love Easter. It so reminds that all is truly well. That my mere “being” is to be in relationship with God-Love..so I pray daily to teach me to love beyond my understanding of love…starting with myself.
( which often I forget ) When I am mindfull I simple smile and say Thank you . Then I REST in that knowing, I am LOVE. I am now the beautiful age of 61 years and what I really know after all these years …Love is what truly matters. Happy Easter my Sisters… Love, Brenda
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