Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Just a Little Peace and Quiet, Please

I remember my mother saying this A LOT when we were younger. “Would you kids please just give me a little peace and quiet?” Bless her heart, she and my father had four small children.

I also remember teachers begging for it. I’ve heard myself crying out for it…”Just a little peace and quiet. Please”.

How about you? Do you long for some peace and quiet?

I believe the longing for peace is at the core of all of us. Not a longing for world peace, although that’s up there too, but for internal peace, for the peace that comes from not struggling so hard and from not worrying and thinking so much. The peace that comes from simply being still and emptied.

What I’ve come to know is that I find peace in the quiet. I find peace in the silencing of not only the external noisiness but the internal chatter as well. Do you have all those voices in your head directing you, warning you, and scaring you?

The voice of the soul, the voice of our inner guidance and wisdom, the voice of the heart, is a small, still voice. Parker Palmer says that the soul is shy, like a wild animal that seeks its safety in the underbrush. For the wild animal of the soul to show up and offer its guidance, we must create a safe place and be quiet and listen.

I want to get silent enough so that I can hear my soul speak to me.  Palmer writes:

It is not the voice of reason we seek,
It is not the voice of common sense we seek,
It is not the voice of our parents, our teachers,
Our leaders, spiritual or otherwise, that we seek.

We seek the voice of our soul.

We ache to hear from deep within that one voice
That we know loves us well.
That one voice that has been with us prior to birth,
And will be with us long past.

It is the one and only inner voice that speaks
Gently, compassionately, assuredly,
It is the one voice that strokes us and calms our fears.
It is the one voice that knows why we are here.

It is the voice of our soul.

We need a quiet place so that we will be able to hear the small still voice and be able to recognize it. Because, at first, it’s almost always a whisper.  The voice of the soul is never loud or bossy or critical. It’s a loving whisper that comes from the heart.

However, if we don’t stop and take time to hear the whisper, it tends to become louder. It becomes a knock, then it can become a knock on the head or as one client said – a 2×4.

Do you know the voice of your wisdom? Have you heard it speak to you?

If we will ask, and if we will learn to listen, the small, still, shy voice will wake us up to our lives. It will give us guidance and clues into the longings of our soul and the purpose of our lives.

Use meditation as a practice for listening.  Not to worry, there are a gazillion ways to meditate. Wayne Dyer says you can meditate at a red light stop. Meditating is simply quieting the mind so you can hear the higher voice inside.

Take time to be still, to go inside, to center yourself everyday.

Listen for the small, still voice that loves you. I promise your life will begin to unfold differently.

Give yourself some peace and quiet, PLEASE.


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