Do You Want to Change?….Or Do You Want to Grow?
This may sound like word games, but it’s not. It’s much more than that. Think about it. It’s a profound question. Do you want to change? Or…do you want to grow? Feel the difference between the two questions. Which question turns you on, which question makes you feel powerful? Which one pulls you forward and upward in your life?
We tend to lean into “the call to grow” while we tend to pull away from “the need to change”. Danielle Laport, a hilarious, funky, on-target kinda girl, talks about change in a very strong and provocative way. She says “the need to change” infers there’s something wrong with you, that something’s broken, so you’re already starting off with a disadvantage. No wonder when asked to change, our natural human instinct is to resist it.
Each and everyone of us, however, (Yes, you) has an innate, natural human drive to grow. Imagine if you could tap into that organic power? And this is not about being driven to achieve yet another to-do list – this is about becoming who you are truly meant to be.
Just as an acorn is programmed to grow into a majestic oak,
and a sea turtle is programmed to seek the vast ocean,
we too are driven to become who we are meant to be.
Renowned humanist – Carl Rogers
Trust me, who you are meant to be is good! No one is meant to be depressed, or lethargic, or apathetic, or confused. No one is meant to be unfilled in life. You are designed for perfection and you are programmed to grow into it, just like teeny-tiny seeds grow into magnificent trees and beautiful flowers.
Whether you are a giant live oak, a beautiful, flowering magnolia tree, or a dainty orchid – this may vary – but your unique, individual potential is implanted in you and it is yours. Given proper sunlight and watering, trees and flowers grow into the most magnificent version of what they are designed to be and so do we.
Sandra Magsamen, author of Living Artfully, and I once did a workshop with 300 women in Hilton Head. Each of us took our visions, our longings, and our dreams of who we believed we are meant to be and wrote them on little slips of paper. Then we planted them in a small pot with a narcissus bulb. We took them home and put them on the window sills above the kitchen sinks. We watered and we trusted that the seed planted would grow into its potential. And it did.
Springtime is an excellent time for growth. Imagine if you got out of your own way and gently let yourself be pulled toward your highest potential. What seed of your birthright potential would you like to plant, tend and trust to grow?
(Take a moment, write in your journal or write to us here on this blog…)
Notes and Updates:
6 women (7 including me) have begun a 6-month journey together – our 1st Annual Your Possible Life Transformation Group. Through a combination of individual life design intensives and powerful group mini-retreats as well as ongoing support, we are dedicated to our own and to each other’s growth. Keep us in your hearts and I’ll keep you posted on how we’re doing.
You are invited to call me for a free consultation in regards to your own personalized life design program. In addition to individual intensives, stay in touch about upcoming workshops and programs.
The next Women’s Weekend Retreat is in October, 2011. Sign up now for a nice discount. It is guaranteed to fill up fast as there are only 30 places.
My new book, Your Possible Life, is now available.
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