Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

Tell the Truth


As we embark on this new year, (what I am calling our Year for Transformation), it makes sense that we should start with telling ourselves the truth.

I am so glad you have decided to join me in this weekly process of doing the work of life design, of asking and answering the powerful questions of your life.  This decision to live consciously and to take responsibility for your happiness  begins with an honest self-assessment of how satisfied  you are in your life currently. Have the courage to ask yourself, how am I, really?

Then, tell the truth.  Interestingly, some of us deny how unsatisfying our lives are (out of fear we might have to do something about it) and some of us downplay how we well we are doing.

I find that in my life, I do a little bit of both.  In some areas, I tell myself “Oh, you’re okay…” when really I’m not and in other areas I don’t give myself enough credit.  For example, last night I sat down and did this exercise and was surprised that I was so hard on myself.  I bet you do this too.  Surprisingly, when I let myself look honestly at some of these important areas, I could actually see growth and commitment and effort.

In other areas, I didn’t really want to look at the truth.   The truth being that I wasn’t really living my life the way I wanted to be.  For me, in the emotional/spiritual area, I hang on to more old hurts and resentments than I care to admit.  I would be more satisfied and peaceful in my life, if I let them go and practiced forgiveness.  It hurts to tell the truth because then I might have to do something about it.

But let’s not jump ahead of ourselves, today’s exercise is just about doing an honest assessment.  In future conversations, we will work on asking ourselves other powerful questions like what do we really want and what we need to do/be to get what we want.   Today, just tell the truth.

Get quiet, go within and ask, “How am I …really…in these areas of my life?”  “How happy/satisfied am I?” Then, listen, hear your inner truth. Remember to use soft eyes, drop the judgments, and any harshness.Maybe you’re not doing as well as you want, maybe you’re doing better than you even thought.   It’s just a place to begin.

Exercise:  On a scale from 0 – 10, how satisfied are you in these areas of your life:



Romantic Relationship





Fun and Recreation

Spiritual Life

Emotional Life

Personal Growth

Physical Surroundings/Environment

(Answer the ones that apply for you.  You can also list other areas that are important to you.)

This begins the process of designing the life of your dreams. Before you can decide where you want to go, you must first know where you are. There are many, many more powerful exercises and questions to help you move forward in your life, but it all begins with an honest, loving assessment of where you are now.  It begins with telling yourself the truth.


Thank you so much for being a part of our on-line community.  Being in community is such a powerful tool.  Feel free to share with us.  Also, please share this blog with your friends so that our community can grow.


Please check out the upcoming Women’s Weekend Retreat in February.  This is a wonderful opportunity to be with other like-minded women seeking a safe space to ask the powerful questions of our lives.

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2 Responses to “Tell the Truth”

julie risher says:

Hi, Dr. Murphy, I hope you had a good holiday and Happy New Year. Now is the perfect time for me to look at your survey and take an “honest” look at myself. With being back in school, a lot of things take a back seat. However, I was truthful, but not harsh when I graded myself. I gave myself a zero on health and on fitness, but a nine on romantic relationship. Should that be reversed? Ha! The survey was an eye-opener, but now I need the follow-through….help!

Kathy Murphy says:

Hello Julie, I had a fabulous holiday and I am loving 2011. I will miss seeing you in class every Saturday. You’re an excellent student. What I loved the most for you is that you were truthful yet not harsh with yourself. And a sense of humor never hurts. Stay tuned because next we are going to be talking about where you want to be this time next year….2012. And we’ll talk a lot about the follow through. Building the life you want and deserve is a craft. There are tools to help you. Even though health and fitness feels like a 0, now you have a place to start from. And congratulations on the nine on romantic relationship…you go girl!

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