Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

Are You A Game Changer? Tell Us Your Story.

I wonder if you can feel it?  There’s a momentum building.  There is a palpable energy alive right now that is calling for each of us to rise up and be the powerful people that we inherently are.  The people we were born capable of being.  Can you feel the energy that it’s time for things to change?  In your life, in your family, your community, our world?  Personally, I can feel it and I am energized.

Take Us Forward-The Laws of the New Game Changers

So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to be asked to co-author a new book ~ Take Us Forward: Laws of the New Game Changers. In this book, Dr. Raye Mitchell  has brought together a group of well-known and lesser-known game changers and experts to share their lessons learned  and insights gained about what it takes to bring about significant change in your life and in the world.

First of all, what does it mean to be a game changer?

A game changer is someone who has created breakthrough impacts for themselves or others. At it’s most basic, being a game changer is about being a catalyst, a rebel, an innovator (anybody thinking of Steve Jobs about right now?)  And as a result, game changers become leaders and  mentors.

True game changers make a difference. They make things better.  It’s about being a force for good in the world.  Game changers make things better by redefining the boundaries and definitions of what “is”.  A game changer is willing to disrupt the status quo. A game changer is one who can change the conversation, maybe even create a buzz. A game changer is someone who is willing to make bold moves.  More often than not, a game changer is an underdog.

Women have always been Game Changers.

This new book is intended to be an accumulation of stories from women who have learned a thing or two about how to live a powerful life and how to make a difference by creating change. Dr. Mitchell knows that it is through each other’s stories of  success, hard work, luck, and failures that we are inspired and instructed.

So, what’s your story?

I need to know, are you a game changer?  And if so, what’s your story?  How did you disrupt the status quo in order to breakthrough to a bigger and better life?

We need to hear the stories of when you stopped allowing someone to treat you in a particular way and then your life was transformed.  Or when you refused to get coffee for the conference and shifted the entire male/female dynamics of your company.  Or when you decided to change where you shopped so that a particular company might no longer profit from unethical practices. Maybe you ran for political office in a district that had never before had a female representative or a gay representative.  Maybe you parented your child in such a way that crossed all gender boundaries (did your daughter play football?)

My Story.

When I actually sat down to think about how I have been a game changer, examples began to flood in.  Memories about times I stood up and said “No, not anymore”, and then my life changed for the better.  I remembered a time when teaching at a public school, I refused to clean underneath the students’ desks claiming, “Lawyers didn’t have to clean the courtroom and teachers shouldn’t have to scrap gum!”  Subsequently, that policy changed for all teachers at that school.

Probably my greatest role as a game changer is the work I now do with women.  I teach women how to listen to and trust their inner wisdom and then to have the courage to follow their own heart, their own dreams.  This is a huge game changer.  I really believe I am helping to change the world with each woman I work with.

To remember my stories is profoundly empowering for me.  Now, tell us your story.  It just might end up in the new book.  You may become a game changer simply by sharing with us what you’ve learned in your life.

Powerful Questions:

Think of a time when you made a decision to disrupt the status quo because it was the right thing to do and because it would make yours and others lives better. Remember a time when you decided to speak your truth about who you are and what you believed in.  Tell us about a time you created a buzz, a movement, or a shift.  You just may remember that you really are a game changer too.




Another New Teleclass beginning  October 10, 2012….Come join us…sign up now!  Space is limited.

This virtual group is designed to teach you tools and provide support to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.  Whatever you are dreaming right now, get ready to say a bold, brave YES!  It’s time to become who you are truly meant to be!  After all, this is your one unique and precious life!  Why not live it now?

 “Please email me with inquiries for our next transformation class.



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