Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Who Are the Amazing Women In Your Life?

Little did she know, but Miss Jeannie Triplett changed the life of an insecure and anxious 16-year-old girl, setting her off on the journey of her life.  Years later, I wonder, does Miss Triplett know what an Amazing Woman she is?

Saturday morning, I have the honor of opening the  Amazing Woman Go Global launch event in Pasadena.CA.

This is  a groundbreaking event designed to connect a brilliant community of inspired, creative, entrepreneurial women who are leading THE NEW WAVE of purpose-driven achievement.  This event is about women inspiring and supporting each other and helping each other to access their highest selves and to live the life of their dreams.

While this is being termed The New Wave, this is a movement built on the momentum of thousands and thousands of inspired and inspiring women that have come before us.  Preparing for this speech gave me the opportunity to think about some of the Amazing Women who helped me to answer the true calling and deep passion of my life; women who have significantly shaped and helped me fulfill my destiny, often even unknown to them; women who encouraged me  to unleash my pure potential and to fully embrace my creative power.

I am forever grateful to women like Mrs. Heidt and Miss Triplett – public educators who ignited my passion for teaching.  However, they taught me not to just be a teacher, but to be an “empowerment goddess”.

On Saturday, I’ll talk about women like Sally Hare and Elizabeth Millen who supported me and opened doors  that were gifts that can never be fully repaid.  These women went far out of their way, with no benefit to themselves, to help me achieve my dreams. I can never thank them enough.  But I trust that they know the depths of my gratitude.  And here’s the beautiful part – they do this for every and any woman who is striving to be amazing.

And then, there is a beautiful woman named Christine Thomas who literally walked off the street one day into my office and changed my life forever.  She taught me how to stand up for my life and to design it the way I wanted to live it.  Not the way I was told it should be done.  Though in her 80s now, she is still a model on how to live a life true to oneself, and to be an inspiration to all.

There are so many wonderful, beautiful, inspiring Amazing Women who have created the foundation for me to be able to do the work that I am privileged to do today.  Saturday,  I get to introduce one of the most beautiful empowerment goddesses of all, Marsh Engle.

Marsh started the Amazing Woman’s movement over ten years ago.  She works tirelessly to help  women entrepreneurs stay grounded and strong in the knowingness of who we are.  She has taught me, and many others, to value the work we have come to do in this world.

I could never make a complete list of all the Amazing Women who have been and who still are strong forces in my life.  Though this Saturday morning, I will pay tribute to them as I stand up, fully in my power, as the Amazing Woman that I have grown to be.  Click here to read the entire speech about all of the Amazing Women in my life...

Powerful Questions:

Who are some of the most Amazing Women in your life?


In your life, who would consider YOU an Amazing Woman?


As Marsh would ask, “What’s Your Story?”






Another New Teleclass beginning  October 10, 2012….Come join us…sign up now!  Space is limited.

This virtual group is designed to teach you tools and provide support to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.  Whatever you are dreaming right now, get ready to say a bold, brave YES!  It’s time to become who you are truly meant to be!  After all, this is your one unique and precious life!  Why not live it now?

 “Please email me with inquiries for our next transformation class.



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4 Responses to “Who Are the Amazing Women In Your Life?”

Hayden Quattlebaum says:

Dearest Kathy, I want to encourage all the women who read this blog to click on your speech and read every word. It is truly an amazing story, and one that I’ve always wanted to know. I am honored to have been one of your clients many, many years ago. Your therapy took me to new levels, of which I have always been grateful. CONGRATULATIONS, KATHY!!!! Please, everyone, take the time to read Kathy’s speech! With love, Hayden

pattiewelekhall says:

Kathy, I also read your speech. Amazing journey, girl!!! I haven’t taken any of your classes but I fell in love with your spirit the day we met. What a gift you are giving to other women on their journey!
You’re in the flow! How beautiful. Happy for you. 🙂

Kathy Murphy says:

What wonderful comments from both Hayden and Pattie…thank you so much….you two are Amazing Women as well. I know both of your stories and they are testimonies for being strong and powerful women.

I also received this from Roger Boger this morning and wanted to share it as well. His wife, Karen, is a beautiful spirit. I love what he said.

My wife, Karen is the most amazing woman I know.. I can list the reasons which are seemingly endless and growing every day. And YOU Kathy, are the one who took the time to teach me how to love her and that’s why I love you ! Keep up the good work and “Hi” to Mike. Dr. Roger Boger

karla says:

I love what you are doing and how you are able to touch so many lives. This is an important part of our journey to go back, think and celebrate those who have inspired and encourgaged us along the way. You are one of those people in my life that I will always recognize as an ispiration. Some people you spend years with and some just a weekend with…however long or short of time you spend together you can make a difference, something I always hope to remember and strive to do. Thank you!

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