Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

Why Not Now?

Okay…..here we go…..another New Year and another opportunity to make some New Year’s resolutions.  Be forewarned, I love this time.  Being a life coach who specializes in helping people consciously design their lives, a brand new year is a big deal, a big opportunity.

This year I’d like to help you be more successful in designing and building the life you want to be living. Once a week for the entire year, in this blog, I will offer  some of the essential questions, tools, exercises and ideas for thoughtful and heart-felt life design.  Each week you will be invited to stop and take some time to think about who you really are and what you really want and the decisions you are making for your life.  Feel free to join in the conversation and share your life design journey. This is your space for Considering the Possibilities…

And there’s no better time to begin than New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day can be a powerful event, if you let it be.  Take advantage of this time.  Use  the symbolism and collective energy of New Year’s Day to  declare some resolutions for 2011….Declare to make 2011 the best year of your life.

Don’t be too cynical about New Year’s resolutions. Granted, most of our old-fashioned resolutions have failed in the past, not because resolutions are a bad idea, but because of faulty design.  This is where I’d like to help. There’s an art and a craft to successful life design.

The best place to start is that we need a new word.  Instead of asking about your resolutions, let me ask you about your vision. “What is your vision for yourself for 2011?” How can we even begin to set goals or resolutions if we don’t have the big picture?   Do you have a vision? What are your dreams?

.          Nothing happens unless first in a dream. – Carl Sandburg

Life Design Exercise for New Year’s Day:

As your life coach, l invite you to  journey down into the memory of your heart’s longings and just for a moment, let yourself imagine, let yourself remember,  let yourself dream.

See the possibilities.  See your life with soft eyes. Drop any harshness, judgment, or negative commentary, just let yourself…..

Consider the possibility…

that you are living the life of your dreams…What would that look like?

Daydream.   Ask your heart.

Let yourself explore what your ideal loving relationship(s) look like?  Let yourself fantasize about what you want for this part of your life?

Imagine yourself living an emotionally expressive, inspired life.  What would that look/feel  like?

What does your dream physical  life  look look like?  See it  in your mind’s eye.  What  are you doing to make this possible?

Describe your most creative self.

See yourself  accomplishing your most important intellectual achievements.

How do you see your most ideal life career-wise and financially? What are  you be doing to attain that?

Describe your most desired inner and outer spiritual life.

Let yourself dream about these ideal states.  These are your dreams….your heart’s desires.

Now ask yourself, “Are these visions possibilities?  Is this life possible?”

What commitments would you like to make in these areas?

To support your visioning process there is also a 10-minute audio recording of this meditation on this website. After this meditation, take a few minutes to write about what dreams came to you and what you saw  as your possible next steps to move towards the life of your dreams.  Let these be your New Year’s resolutions….your vision for 2011.  Now post this somewhere you can see it everyday.

Let 2011 be the year you decide to go for your dreams. Let’s let 2011 be one of the biggest years of our lives.     Visit this blog every week and together, let’s do the work of designing the life of our dreams.     Then, collectively, let’s all commit to doing it.   Why not now?  Now’s as good a time as any. Happy New Year!


The Women’s Weekend Retreat that is scheduled for February is a perfect opportunity to stop and take some time to reflect on who you are and what you want. It is also a time to get away into a natural environment in the company and support of other like-minded women. Please come and join us. Registration so far has been very good but there is room for you. Remember there is a $50 discount for registering online by Dec. 31st. Please stay posted for other blogs, announcements, workshops, events (especially the launching of the book in February).

Check out Individual Intensives for your personal one on one coaching for Designing the Life of Your Dreams.

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One Response to “Why Not Now?”

Kathy Murphy says:

My vision for 2011:

I see myself being challenged, energized, and very active helping others with the intimate work of their lives. I see myself doing retreats, workshops, individual sessions and writing. I see myself being active and involved in a physical health and fitness program throughout the entire year as well as being spiritually connected with my inner life, nature and God and the universe. I see loving relationships that are fulfilling to others and to myself as well as fun and light-hearted. I see my book, Your Possible Life, being published and of use to many people. I also see a peaceful co-existence with everyone in my life. We all flourish and grow.

What’s your vision for your 2011?

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