Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Dog Days of Summer: Learn to be Lazy!

In case you haven’t noticed, we are in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer.  According to Wikipedia, this is the hottest, most sultry time of the year and is characterized as a period of stagnation or inactivity.

The extreme heat is explained as a direct result of the earth’s tilt with a planetary off-balance-ness, causing fever, hysterics, and frenzy. The Romans believed this to be an evil time of the calendar year – a time when seas boil and wine turns sour; a time when dogs grew mad.  Could this explain some of the craziness in our world?

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, now is the time for all living creatures to be slower and less active. It’s a time to stay cool.  It’s a time to be languid.  It’s a time to reserve our energy so that we don’t get overheated and act in crazy, hysterical, and frenzied ways.

Now may be a time to rest and to even allow yourself to be lazy. Yes, LAZY. One resource called it conspicuous laziness.  I really like this term. I think I can pull that off.

But, it’s hard.  I was raised to always be busy and productive and active.  At home, we NEVER laid around and did nothing! It was right up there in the category of sinning.

I’ve had to learn, first of all, that it’s okay to be lazy when necessary, and then, I had to learn how to be lazy. I also had to learn that this was not a character flaw but a strategic plan for a healthy and balanced life. I now know there is a season for everything and now is the season for reserving our energy. Finally, I can love  my naps on the couch in the heat of the afternoon.

And the seasons of our lives do turn.  For those who panic about all that has to be done, or what will happen if we let ourselves slow down and rest, don’t worry! Reportedly, the Dog Days of Summer are over at the end of the month and we can pick ourselves up, fresh and rested and reinvigorated…

Powerful Questions:

How are you spending your Dog Days?

Are you following the natural rhythm of the universe or are you caught up in the busyness and the heat of the season?  

How are you taking care of yourself during this overheated time?

Can you let yourself be  conspicuously lazy?


Women's Weekend RetreatPlease come and join us in October for the next Women’s Weekend Retreat.  This will be a perfect time for stopping to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next in your life. The cool fall weather, along with the natural beauty of Palm Key Nature Retreat Center, will work its magic on us all as we Consider the Possibilities for our Lives… Early Registration available until Aug 31. CLICK HERE for more info!

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2 Responses to “Dog Days of Summer: Learn to be Lazy!”

Diane says:

Kathy- Love the picture! These hot, steamy days I am up before dawn watering the landscape, then inside for the rest of the day. I have a stack of poetry, Baldacci, and cookbooks that occupy my mind for a while, and then I allow myself to close my eyes and doze when eyelids droop. This time is year is the only time that I permit myself to be lazy, unless it is a snow day! The siesta has many good points. Americans must learn to listen to their bodies and rest, refresh, and reflect.

Kathy Murphy says:

Yes, Siestas! I am learning that a 20 minute nap on the couch does wonders for my mind, body, spirit. Thanks, Diane, I love the picture too!

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