Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

Happy New Year: Are You Ready?

As Mary Oliver says, this is “your one wild and precious life“…                           So, tell me, how’s it going?                                                                                               Are you living life full and fulfilling?                                                                                     Are you living how you want to be living?                                                                        If you aren’t, then when?                                                                                                       I suggest the time is NOW!

2012 is here.  Can’t you feel it?  There’s a lot of atmospheric buzz, a lot of energy for this new year. Some people believe in doomsday prognostications for 2012 (I don’t) and some people believe it’s a time of planetary, social, and economic upheaval.  Some of us believe it is an astrological shift where the planet begins to self-correct and things turn upside down for all of us in one form, fashion, or another.

Whether you believe in the mythology, the spirituality and/or the predictions of this auspicious year or not, it doesn’t matter. 2012 is here and, trust me, it is going to be a huge time of transition, adjustment, growth for each of us and for our world.  And I believe it’s going to be a good thing.  For me, I  have always known intuitively that this is gonna be my year.

What do you believe?  Is this going to be your year? Even in the midst of these trying times, shifting resources, and loud, mind-numbing distractions, can this be the year you wake up and start to live your truest, most authentic life?

What if,  in 2012, you returned to your inner self, rediscovered what really matters to you, and decided to live from there?  What if you started to make new decisions, choose your own destiny, do new things, and speak your truth…now?

I feel a real acceleration of belief and possibility. Can you feel the energy?  And this energy is for everyone, not just for me.  As a collective humanity, we are primed for transformation and, ultimately, evolution. Circumstances make it a necessity and the soul is demanding it.

2012 is The Year for Transformation!

For most of us, this requires a paradigm shift.  Success is no longer measured predominantly by financial security or status. Or our children. Or our beauty or our bodies. We must re-decide what feels like fulfillment and success for each of us.   Now we seek a different, more grounded, reliable and spiritual source for our happiness.  It’s no longer about the things – the job, the houses, the spouse.  Now it’s about your soul’s code.  It’s about learning to live your life from the inside out –  living the blueprint encoded on your own unique spiritual DNA – not from the old blueprints we’ve had or that others have had for us.

My work in this important year is dedicated to providing experiences and opportunities to help people with the deep and intimate work of  knowing who you really are and what you really want now.  And then, helping you to design and live a big, fulfilling life using this information.

Here are some things I offer to help make this your best year ever!

1.  Read the blog.  This Consider the Possibilities bi-weekly blog is a gift from my heart. Every other week I  write about something for you to consider.  I call it “asking the powerful questions.”  You are encouraged to reflect and respond either in your journal or with us on the blog page.

2.  Explore the bookYour Possible Life is a small, yet powerful book.  It’s a very sweet and gentle guide into the work of designing your life.   It’s a great book to facilitate your journey back home to yourself.  People have also been using the book in groups and book clubs.  I am often invited to come to people’s homes and facilitate discussions.  I also use Your Possible Life to train other helping professionals in the art of living life by design.

3.  Upcoming Events.  Stay posted on the blog page about upcoming workshops and events.  In 2012 I will be traveling and speaking in many different places on the topic of Living Your Life From the Inside Out. I’d love to come to your town for a visit.  Call me.

4.  Women’s Retreats.  Stay posted for two upcoming Women’s Weekend Retreats in 2012.

5.  Individual Sessions and Intensives – powerful one-on-one life design sessions either in person, phone or Skype.

6.  New Upcoming Women’s Group – Living Your Most Possible Life.   This group is for women in the local area that want to create a community of support and sisterhood as we take some time to get still, take stock, create a vision, and go for it.  We will meet every other Wednesday for three months (six sessions) beginning in January.   Sign in below for more information about this powerful journey for personal transformation.  Let me know if you’re interested as group size is limited.

It’s time to finally become who we are meant to be! Why not?  After all, this is your one wild and precious life being lived out in these wild and precious times.   I’m ready for it, are you?

Powerful Questions?  

What  does your one wild and precious life look like?


What shift would make this your best year ever?



Feel free to contact me below privately with any questions or requests. I look forward to hearing from you and will respond as quickly as possible.

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