The Secret To Being Powerful
I promise,
you are capable of so much more than you realize
and, deep down inside, you know it too.
And you do know it, don’t you? Deep down – where the truth be told – you know you are powerful. Deep down, you know it’s your birthright. Human beings are born naturally powerful. We are biologically and divinely programmed to survive, to thrive, to grow and to excel. Spiritually, we are meant to be happy, joyful, useful, and alive.
The biggest secret to being powerful is to know this truth. The work is to figure out who you are meant to be and then figure out how to live your life in alignment with that precious information.
If you learn to make your choices and decisions
based on your own true nature and your heart’s deepest desires,
the quality of your life will change.
I promise.
(Thanks to a friend for taping this piece last week at the Women In Philanthropy Leadership Conference!)
So tell me about who you think you are? Tell me about who you think you were born to be. It’s really not hard. You know the answers, I promise. Deep down inside you know the truth.
Stop to take some time to remember… Remember, acknowledge and honor all of who you naturally are. Shine your light on it. Nurture it. Let it grow. Trust it. This is the ultimate secret to your success and the key to your personal power.
Powerful Questions:
Here are just a few simple questions to help you remember (there are many)…. Feel free to answer on this blog (see Comment Section below) and let the rest of us come to know you too. A fabulous idea would be to share asking these questions with a friend. And certainly use them as journaling prompts.
~ What did you love as a child? I mean really love. What might these memories tell you about how you were born to be? What types of things/activities do you love now?
~ Think of a time when you were all alone, when no one else was watching, and you felt happy, satisfied and joyful. Remember that. What might this tell you about what you naturally love?
~ Think of a day when time was irrelevant and joy was abundant. What was going on? Both on the outside and the inside. What’s this memory tell you about what you love and about what’s meaningful to you?
~ Tell me about your dreams, both daytime and nighttime. What might this tell you about what is encoded into your own unique DNA?
~ What shows up for you as your natural talents, where and when do you come the most alive? What does this tell you about who you already really are?
~ Think of someone you admire or someone that touches your inner self. Pay attention, there’s probably something about that person that is attracting your soul. Notice the traits that you like and take them to be yours – they probably are. You are probably simply recognizing yourself in them.
New Teleclass beginning May 2012….Come join us…sign up now!
A 4 Week Life Design Group
A Transformational Teleconference Series
$197 for 4 weekly calls (1 1/2 hours each)
Includes Weekly Study Guide, Audio Download of Class, & Facebook Group Support
Beginning May 9, 2012. 6:30-8:00pm on Wednesdays.
“Please email me with inquiries for our next transformation class.
My friend, Bonnie Compton, is offering a fabulous, amazing new retreat for Moms of all ages. This retreat is your opportunity to stop, take some time, and reflect on the Mom you want to be…. Please check out her website for further information. For a limited time, she is offering two for the price of one….expires at April 4th at midnight.
Tags: Personal power, Women In Philanthropy
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