Why is Something So Simple, So Hard?
Choose your beliefs, choose your thoughts, choose your words. Choose only thoughts and feelings that love, support, encourage, have faith, empathy, and power. It’s really simple, right? And we all know this is a basic true principle for living. I mean, we really know it and we believe it. However, living it on a daily, moment-by-moment basis, well, that can be something else.
I am always amazed at how quickly we (I) can fall into the rut of pessimism and negativity – for myself and for the world. And I have great compassion for others (and myself) when in a downward mood. After all, the world can be very tough. When your lover leaves you, when you are fired from your job, when people do horrendous things to each other. It’s hard to be positive and uplifting. However, still…as the poem on Mother Teresa’s wall said…“Do it anyway.”
We hear from someone every day in our modern world telling us to only affirm the good in life. One of the reasons I like Facebook is because of all the inspiring messages that are posted daily. Everyday we are told to keep believing, to keep the faith, and that positive affirmations make a difference. And deep down you really do believe it.
Why don’t we do this for ourselves more often? Why does it seem to be so hard to stay positive?
I think one of the major reasons is that in today’s fast paced world, where so much is coming at us all the time, we forget. We start to react. After all, we are but mere mortals. And this world can be a scary place. Things happen that are out of our control. Or we can get overwhelmed and feel defeated. Then we go unconscious. We forget that we are spiritual beings. I think we need to be constantly reminded.
Sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge the power of our beliefs because it puts a big level of responsibility squarely on our own shoulders. Dislike it as much as you want, but sorry (and you know it) your happiness, satisfaction, and resilience is your responsibility and the power for your life lies in your mind and how you choose to respond.
Now for those of you who are out there saying, “But Kathy, the world has dealt me a raw deal.” Again, I have great compassion and I see the real difficulties out there.
This past weekend I had the profound honor of facilitating a women’s circle for wives of wounded veterans. These women, for sheer survival, have had to learn to choose how they were going to think and and what they were going to believe about their very difficult circumstances. I was in awe. I was humbled. In these women, I witnessed the power and the grace of positive thinking.
Also last week I was in New York to attend a training with Louise Hay. For those of you who don’t know her, Louise Hay is the President and Founder of Hay House Publications – the leading clearinghouse for all of the wisdom teachers out there today – Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Carolyn Myss, Cheryl Richardson and more. Louise is the matriarch for the power of positive affirmations.
After having spent a week with the wounded warriors wives, and the weekend of the anniversary of 9/11 in New York with Louise Hay, hearing her life story of abuse, rejection, and cancer and how she survived it, I couldn’t help but walk away inspired. I was reminded.
Louise has a new book out with Cheryl Richardson entitled “You Can Create An Exceptional Life.”. Below are excerpts I’ve taken from her work to remind you of what we all already know:
If you are willing to change your thinking, you can change your life.
Make the decision to see life as a school-room. Choose to become students of life who learn and grow from our experiences. In this way, we make our most difficult moments mean something by using them to our spiritual advantage.
While the other person or the world may be doing something to us, we control how we respond and react. Take control because this is what creates how you feel.
When we think good thoughts, we feel good. When we feel good, we make good choices. When we feel good and make good choices, we draw more good experiences into our lives. It really is that simple…and elegant…and true.
You have to be vigilant about making good choices and thinking good thoughts, substituting good for bad at every turn on every road.
Every breath we take and every thought we think has a direct effect on something or someone.
Change your thinking about a problem. Shift your thinking from “It can’t be done” to “It can be done – I just have to figure out how”.
Everything we think and say to ourselves is an affirmation. We need to be conscious of what we’re saying and thinking all the time so that life can get better.
When you hate yourself, say mean things to yourself, tell yourself how ugly you are, or hide from a mirror, you start to feel really uncomfortable. But when you do something as simple as look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself, even when it’s hard to do or you don’t believe it, your energy shifts.
Self-love is the core issue for everybody and everything. Louise’s favorite moment by moment affirmation: Life loves me and I love Life.
I hope you have enjoyed these reminders. Get the book, it is full of simple affirmations that we can take as our own. Some I even post around the house. For me, my affirmation for throughout the day is I am joyful, happy, and blessed, no matter what.
Powerful Questions:
What do you most need to remember?
What affirmation could serve you best today?
Please come and join us in October for the next Women’s Weekend Retreat. This will be a perfect time for stopping to reflect on where you are and where you want to go next in your life. The cool fall weather, along with the natural beauty of Palm Key Nature Retreat Center, will work its magic on us all as we Consider the Possibilities for our Lives… Only 3 spots left! CLICK HERE for more info!
Tags: affirmations, Cheryl Richardson, Louise Hay, mother Teresa, women's circles, You Can Create An Exceptional Life
5 Responses to “Why is Something So Simple, So Hard?”
“You have to be vigilant about making good choices and thinking good thoughts…” is a powerful mantra. I shall add this to my list. Thank you Kathy for your continued good works.
Great piece Kathy. I’m always amazed at just how important positive energy is and how connected it is to both ourselves and others.
Thanks Diane and David for the positive energy you both put out into the world. I was amazed yesterday. I woke up early to write this blog and then throughout the day I was bombarded (in the best sense of the word) with pieces my fellow bloggers that I follow had written on exactly the same thing. Must have been in the air….we all know that choosing to be positive, faithful and loving is the key to happiness. And it seems like we all need double doses of reminders now…..
Kathy, I am so glad you are inspiring me once again with your insight. I thoroughly gain so much of what I was unable to comprehend in the past and it is a real blessing to have you back in my life. Thank you.
P. S. I found a powerful website (at least for me it was) and wanted to share it with you. The man’s name is Richard A. Luck and I believe web is thelawofattraction-blog.com. I watched the webinar the other night and came away extremely moved by its power. I plan on watching it again this weekend. Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks Annie. I looked up Richard Luck’s blog and found it very insightful and inspiring.
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