Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

Welcome to The Journey of a Lifetime,
Come and be a part of The Journey.
Light a candle, pick up your journal, or journal here on our pages.
Let this be a Safe Place for you to
Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

Extend A Hand…and Your Heart

To be of service to each other is one of the highest acts for our own soul and for humanity.  

And I’m not just talking about lending a hand–  though that’s important too. I’m talking about lending a heart.

IT IS TRUE….when you give, from the heart, the payoff is really for you. And it’s exponentially fulfilling when we are reaching back and extending a hand and a heart to those who come behind us.

A couple of weeks ago I was reminded of how much I love mentoring young girls.   I was in Baltimore for the GEM celebration event and I got to sit in a circle with 15 young girls….(I wish our picture was bigger and better. This is such an AMAZING group of girls.)

As I sat with these yet-to-be wise women, I received the gift of hearing their dreams, their passions, their truths, and their hopes and possibilities.  It was exhilarating and a completely delightful surprise.  I was rejuvenated and inspired.

Here’s what I  was reminded of:  

Everyone needs/wants a mentor.  And everyone wants to be a mentor. Truly.   I believe it’s in our nature.  However, it gets lost and pushed aside in our crazy world. If we have nothing else to give, we have the gift of who we are.  We have the gift of our heart and our presence.

Listening to each other and being there for each other is mostly all it takes.  If you do nothing else, just listen to someone else…openly and lovingly.  There is no way I can adequately tell you about the deep healing and energizing effects of having someone just listen to you.  And then to truly hear you.  (Don’t worry, you don’t have to have the answers.)

So…don’t be afraid to ask the powerful questions.  I was blown away by these young girls’ willingness to ask and answer some of the most powerful questions. They asked really tough questions causing me too to stretch and grow.  I found myself telling a deeply personal story that I rarely tell.  It was freeing for me and I believe so helpful for them. For all of us,  it is so humanizing and normalizing when others share their stories and their vulnerabilities.   Try it.

The importance of creating the space.  Make it intentional. Say out loud, “We are here for the purpose of having deeper, more meaningful conversation.”    In Baltimore, we sat in a circle and each girl was given the opportunity to ask whatever questions they had and to speak whatever they wanted to give voice to.  I was blown away by how engaged and open and honest these young women were.  It confirmed my theory that everyone wants to be heard.  It also confirms my belief  that everyone wants a mentor and wants to mentor each other.

The power of honoring each other.  Sitting in a circle, creating the space, making it intentional, talking on a deeper level,  all served to communicate respect for each other.  We sat side by side and felt privileged to hear each other’s questions and answers. It was obvious that we were there to hear and support and care about each other. It was magical.

The time went by way too fast.  I came home from Baltimore dedicated to offering my time to more and more young women.  Though I love working with women of all ages and have designed many programs to help all of us do this deep, intimate work of living our one true life,   I have decided my service work (what I give freely) is to those who come behind – those wise-women-in-the-making.  I offer this gift….I extend my hand….and my heart….and I am, in return, deeply blessed.

Your Powerful Questions: (Share your answers below if you like or with a friend/mentor or write in your journal.)

. Who could you mentor?


.  Who would you like to mentor you?


New Teleclass beginning May 2012….Come join us…sign up now!

This virtual group is designed to teach you tools and provide support to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.  Whatever you are dreaming right now, get ready to say a bold, brave YES!  It’s time to become who you are truly meant to be!  After all, this is your one unique and precious life!  Why not live it now?

 “Please email me with inquiries for our next transformation class.


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