Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

Welcome to The Journey of a Lifetime,
Come and be a part of The Journey.
Light a candle, pick up your journal, or journal here on our pages.
Let this be a Safe Place for you to
Consider the Possibilities for Your Life…

So You Can Remember…

I don’t remember where I lost myself,

And it’s been so long,

I can’t remember when it began,

So please don’t ask me,

Because I don’t know who I am. – Conchetta

Yes you do!  And you are the only one who does.  You have always known.  You come pre-wired into this lifetime knowing.   Odds are,  you have just forgotten.

Isn’t it fascinating how easily and automatically we can forget?  How quickly we forget how beautiful and magnificent we are?   How we can’t remember what makes us happy and feel alive?

Here are some things you can do to help yourself remember:

1. Light a candle to your life.  Every day.  Candles are wonderful for centering yourself – for getting back into your own skin. Light the candle and focus on its flame. Its center. Take this moment to go within and acknowledge your own center, your flame.

Use the symbology of the candle to bring light onto your life. Bring back to the light those pieces of yourself that you cherish, pieces that you may have  forgotten. Take a look at those things you hold against yourself or that hold you back.  Look with soft eyes on all aspects of yourself.  Use the lighting of the candle to begin the journey back to yourself.

2.   Take some time.  Be still. I tell people –  even if it’s only three breaths… or a cup of coffee… or rocking in a chair on the front porch, take some time every day to get still and to be with yourself.  This is a form of honoring yourself and acknowledging that you do have an inner life.  And if you will listen, it will lead you… if you let it.   If you take some time each day, your life will unfold differently.

3.  Ask the powerful questions of your life.  In this time of peace and quiet, try to remember what’s important to you, what you want, what would make you feel fulfilled, useful, happy, contented (whatever feeling it is that you are seeking).  Just let yourself ask the questions.  Good questions lead to exploration – they are the doorway to opening.  You don’t even have to have the answers.  Just ask:  What do you want?  What would your dreams require of you?  How do you help yourself?  How do you hurt yourself?   and on and on.

4.  Use readings, poems, music and ritual as portals to the inner life.  These are easy and available tools we have.  What if every day you read something uplifting, inspiring, or truthful?  What if you got still, read a passage from a beloved book, or listened to a beautiful song and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be taken away… away from the world outside.. with only the candle to lead you?

5.  Tell the truth.  Find ways to give voice to all the pieces of yourself. Things you love and things you don’t.  The only requirement is that you tell the truth as best you know it at this moment. Be committed to the truth. Even if it hurts or is unattractive. It is only the truth that shall set you free.  If you don’t tell anyone else, tell  yourself the truth and then embrace and love all of who you are.

6.  Do the work.  Whether it’s meditating, contemplating, asking the important questions, journaling, studying, chanting, setting intentions and stating affirmations, three deep breaths, do the work.  Make  a commitment to do something every day for the purpose of going within, reconnecting with your inner teacher, and knowing yourself.

7.  Write it down.  Use your journal.  I just can’t say enough about the power of writing it down. Writing all of it down.  I have boxes and boxes of journals.  Now I write here in this blog about what’s important to me.  You can too. Use this blog.  Share.

8.  Share  with others.  This is a higher level skill.  Especially if you are doing the work and telling the truth.  However, if you can, you will be providing yourself the place to tell a new story, to declare your intentions, to deflate the shadow and the ego, and to tell the truth.  It helps you to be more accountable and it always helps to hear yourself out loud.

Know what matters to you and live from there.  From this place of connection and insight, this place of truth and hope and dreams, this place of power, make the choices of your life.  And when you do, each of our lives and the world will be better.  Just imagine…..

Powerful Question:                                       

What do you need to remember?




On Nov. 12, I will be facilitating a Circle of Women at The Center for Women in Charleston, SC. Please come join us and take advantage of this opportunity to sit together and hold a space for each other as we look at our lives – as we ask ourselves the powerful questions: Who Am I and What Do I Really Want?




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3 Responses to “So You Can Remember…”

Hayden Quattlebaum says:

Dear Kathy,
This is an extremely valuable article. I like that it gives specifics on how to remember— and to take care of ourselves. The list of things to do is enlightening, and I thank you for it. You have given us all instructions that we can follow through on, thus becoming more in touch with ourselves. I think this is one of your best articles yet. I can do these things! Thank you for always thinking of all of us.

valli driggers combs says:

Kathy, this article hit something in my heart i just wish i could tell you some things but this was so beautiful and uplifting in what you said . I do enjoy the books you donated to me and have read over half of them and the music i listen to it and sit on my porch by myself, there is noone here for me anymore just me..But i am proud to have the honor of coming here each day and keeping up..Have a great evening and God Bless..Val

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