Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Archive for the ‘Transformation Classes’ Category

Where Do You Want to Live?

 Not the address, not a physical place where you eat and sleep,
but the place within you that knows your heart’s longings,
the place inside that you call home.

I have a recurring dream that has always baffled me.  It baffles me because, by content alone, the dream should upset, unsettle, and scare me.  But it doesn’t.  It actually enlivens me and causes me to want to dream more.  You might say, my dream wakes me up to my life. (more…)

If I Were Brave…..

This title is a line from an unbelievably empowering song by Jana Stanfield. Check it out on iTunes. I use it in all of my retreats and workshops when I ask people to envision the life of their dreams.

I am listening to it now as I am working through some early morning anxiety. You know, that free-floating anxiety that is right in front of your face and on top of your chest when you first wake up – those feelings of fear, dread, uncertainty. It always takes me by surprise. (more…)

The Trouble with Dreaming

Anything your heart desires will come to you….
– from Pinocchio.

Blame it on Walt Disney.  Dreaming has become romanticized on every level.  We’re told to dream BIG and all our dreams will come true.  Just like that.  Often times, fulfilling our dreams is  magical, metaphysical, spiritual and awe-inspiring and, sometimes, it’s a pain in the butt. (more…)

Happy New Year: Are You Ready?

As Mary Oliver says, this is “your one wild and precious life“…                           So, tell me, how’s it going?                                                                                               Are you living life full and fulfilling?                                                                                     Are you living how you want to be living?                                                                        If you aren’t, then when?                                                                                                       I suggest the time is NOW! (more…)

So You Can Remember…

I don’t remember where I lost myself,

And it’s been so long,

I can’t remember when it began,

So please don’t ask me,

Because I don’t know who I am. – Conchetta

Yes you do!  And you are the only one who does.  You have always known.  You come pre-wired into this lifetime knowing.   Odds are,  you have just forgotten. (more…)