In conversation last week with someone that I love and that loves me, she said, “You ask too many questions.” She said “People don’t want to have to think that hard. They want you to just tell them.” And she goes on to say that people just want to hear the 3 easy steps how-to do, well, anything and everything.
I don’t believe that. We may think we do, but do we really? After all, I’m not teaching people how to download a computer file, but how to hear their own wisdom and live their own, authentic lives. I’m teaching people that no one else holds the answers to your life. Right? (more…)
To be of service to each other is one of the highest acts for our own soul and for humanity.
And I’m not just talking about lending a hand– though that’s important too. I’m talking about lending a heart.
IT IS TRUE….when you give, from the heart, the payoff is really for you. And it’s exponentially fulfilling when we are reaching back and extending a hand and a heart to those who come behind us.
A couple of weeks ago I was reminded of how much I love mentoring young girls. I was in Baltimore for the GEM celebration event and I got to sit in a circle with 15 young girls….(I wish our picture was bigger and better. This is such an AMAZING group of girls.) (more…)