“I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.” – Oriah Mountain Dreamer
This idea of disappointing another and being accused of betrayal is a powerful force. Our fear of not being loved keeps us in a bind. And, in particular, when it comes to saying “No.” (more…)
A time comes in your life when you finally get it. When, in the midst of all your fears and anxieties, you stop dead in your tracks and from somewhere deep inside, a soft, loving, wise voice cries out – ENOUGH! — Sonny Carroll
I’ve been doing a lot of speaking lately on the importance of waking up, paying attention, and taking responsibility for living your one true life – encouraging each of us to step up and live a life of honesty, purpose, fulfillment and joy. I’ve been teaching some of what I’ve learned, personally and professionally, about what it takes to live this way.
Often people want to know – What’s your story? When did you finally get it?
Yes you do! And you are the only one who does. You have always known. You come pre-wired into this lifetime knowing. Odds are, you have just forgotten. (more…)
This past weekend, 28 women stopped and took a break from their busy lives. We intentionally and purposefully stopped…to catch our breath… so that we could remember. So we could remember who we really are (our essential values), what we really want (our deepest dreams and desires) and what it might take to get us there (our next steps). Most of us had forgotten … or had never known in the first place. (more…)
Choose your beliefs, choose your thoughts, choose your words. Choose only thoughts and feelings that love, support, encourage, have faith, empathy, and power. It’s really simple, right? And we all know this is a basic true principle for living. I mean, we really know it and we believe it. However, living it on a daily, moment-by-moment basis, well, that can be something else. (more…)