Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Archive for the ‘Transformation Classes’ Category

Taking Time to Reconnect and Remember

This past weekend, 28 women stopped and took a break from their busy lives.  We intentionally and purposefully stopped…to  catch our breath… so that we could remember.  So we could remember who we really are (our essential values), what we really want  (our deepest dreams and desires) and what it might take to get us there (our next steps).  Most of us had forgotten … or had never known in the first place. (more…)

Why is Something So Simple, So Hard?

Choose your beliefs, choose your thoughts, choose your words.  Choose only thoughts and feelings that love, support, encourage, have faith, empathy, and power. It’s really simple, right? And we all know this is a basic true principle for living.  I mean, we really know it and we believe it. However, living it on a daily, moment-by-moment basis, well, that can be something else. (more…)

Your Reason for Being

Do you know what you want? What you really want?  

 Do you have a vision, a dream, a purpose for your life?

Do you know your Reason for Being?

Or, do you mostly go through every day putting one foot in front of the other, head down, doing what needs to be done?   Do you spend 90% of your day and too much of your energy reacting to what is to be done next?  Every single woman I work with deals with this!

We feel as if there is so much to do – with so little time and too few resources to do it. (more…)

Finding Sarah Ferguson, Finding Ourselves

I am hooked on Oprah Winfrey’s new series called Finding Sarah. Of course, I am talking about Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of Windsor.  You know, the redheaded ex-princess with all the fame, the divorce, and the scandal.  By her own accounting, she kinda’ made a mess out of her life. (more…)

Three Steps to Cure Your Blahs

The cure for boredom is curiosity.

~Dorothy Parker

I have been a daily journaler for decades. Some days the inner world is flowing, insightful, and rejuvenative. Some days the inner world is scary, abusive, and difficult. And some days the inner world is just plain boring. Some days it all just feels like blah, blah, blah….. (more…)