After a visit to breath-taking Lake Louise, we got in the car for the long trek to Vancouver. It took two days of driving, with a stop-over in Kamloops, British Columbia. This was an unexpected, stunningly beautiful drive ~ so we took our time. Seeing all of the water in Canada ~ lakes, rivers, bays, oceans ~ is mind-blowing. Who knew? (more…)
Michael turned 70 years of age this past Tuesday, June 4. Looking good, huh? This feels like a milestone. In all the best ways. He is healthy and happy. Who could ask for anything more?
And he is doing exactly what he wants to be doing. He is living his life by his own design. On purpose. With meaning. I am grateful to be along for the ride. And what a ride it has been!
So hold on, because he’s on a roll. His new mantra for life is:
It finally happened. After all this traveling, I woke up this morning and had no idea where we were.
More specifically, I didn’t know where the bathroom was. And you know this is important. As we age, going to the bathroom, in the dark, in the middle of the night, is a standard practice that happens at least a couple of times per night. At home, we unconsciously get up and go on automatic pilot. We don’t even need the lights. We know where we are.
But this morning, not only did I not know where the bathroom was, I also didn’t know what state we were in. Of course, it was only for a split second, but in that split second, I had no idea where I was… (more…)
I don’t remember what happened, but somewhere between Fairfield, Iowa, and Kansas City, Missouri, we had a meltdown. I said something. Michael reacted. I got upset. By the time we arrived on the campus of Unity Village, we weren’t speaking to each other. Not to worry though, divine powers were already conspiring to bring us back tolove, however…it did take a village. (more…)
My daughter and I were giggling the other day. She said “Mom, you’ve been traveling for over a month and you’ve only gone 1,000 miles. At this rate, you’ll be on the road forever.” She’s a bit anxious because she wants us to get to San Francisco where she lives. I assured her that we would get there…just not sure when. (more…)