Do you have a vision, a dream, a purpose for your life?
Do you know your Reason for Being?
Or, do you mostly go through every day putting one foot in front of the other, head down, doing what needs to be done? Do you spend 90% of your day and too much of your energy reacting to what is to be done next? Every single woman I work with deals with this!
We feel as if there is so much to do – with so little time and too few resources to do it. (more…)
We all agree that taking time to be relaxed, contemplative and mindful about our lives is a worthwhile thing, yet we still don’t do it. We’re too busy. Being busy is a given for most of us. And the truth is, we’re probably not going to get any less busy.
Interestingly, when we take time to retreat, time expands, and you approach your tasks with a more peaceful heart, open mind, and relaxed attitude. Retreating is a very powerful tool for rediscovering, rejuvenating and recommitting yourself to your life. (more…)
In case you haven’t noticed, we are in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer. According to Wikipedia, this is the hottest, most sultry time of the year and is characterized as a period of stagnation or inactivity.
The extreme heat is explained as a direct result of the earth’s tilt with a planetary off-balance-ness, causing fever, hysterics, and frenzy. The Romans believed this to be an evil time of the calendar year – a time when seas boil and wine turns sour; a time when dogs grew mad. Could this explain some of the craziness in our world? (more…)
Thank you, thank you, Pattie Welek Hall, for the opportunity to talk with you about the work, my book and the women’s retreats. I hope you will take some time to listen to the interview.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot take;
courage to leave the things I can;
and wisdom to know what I really need.
I hope Reinhold Niebuhr will forgive me for taking liberties with his beloved Serenity Prayer. I can’t think of a more necessary time for a serenity prayer. We are moving! (more…)