Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Archive for the ‘Living Your Possibilities’ Category

Ever Wake Up and Not Know Where You Are?

It finally happened.   After all this traveling, I woke up this morning and had no idea where we were.

More specifically, I didn’t know where the bathroom was. And you know this is important. As we age, going to the bathroom, in the dark, in the middle of the night, is a standard practice that happens at least a couple of times per night. At home,  we unconsciously get up and go on automatic pilot. We don’t even need the lights. We know where we are.

But this morning, not only did I not know where the bathroom was, I also didn’t know what state we were in. Of course, it was only for a split second, but in that split second, I had no idea where I was… (more…)

ReUnited at Unity Village

I don’t remember what happened, but somewhere between Fairfield, Iowa, and Kansas City, Missouri, we had a meltdown.  I said something. Michael reacted. I got upset.  By the time we arrived on the campus of Unity Village, we weren’t speaking to each other. Not to worry though, divine powers were already conspiring to bring us back to love, however…it did take a village. (more…)

Seeking Balance in the Midwest

It sounds like we’re on a never-ending vacation and it’s true, we are. Week after week, we are having big grand adventures and profound inner experiences. It’s wonderful and it’s exciting.  But it’s not normal.

It’s actually a life that’s out of balance. You know, sometimes too much of a good thing is just that…too much…even when it’s enlightening and fulfilling. Sometimes you just need to rest from all the fun and stimulation. After awhile, you begin to miss the normal, everyday things of home.  Like cooking your own meals. (more…)

Canada ~ Finally

My daughter and I were giggling the other day. She said “Mom, you’ve been traveling for over a month and you’ve only gone 1,000 miles. At this rate, you’ll be on the road forever.” She’s a bit anxious because she wants us to get to San Francisco where she lives. I assured her that we would get there…just not sure when. (more…)

Lost in Pennsylvania

After three days in Gettysburg, we got in the car and headed east on Hwy. 30 (the Lincoln Highway) towards Philadelphia. It was a straight shot. I don’t know how we got so lost.

Michael is the designated driver and I am the co-pilot ~ the navigator. We have the navigation system on our new car  and Mapquest on the IPad. That might have been the problem.

I had dueling electronic gadgets (both with voices) telling me two completely different routes. It was like having two virtual backseat drivers. After finding ourselves in the downtown slums of York, Pennsylvania, we finally had to pull over and stop. (more…)