Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Archive for the ‘Living Your Possibilities’ Category

Finding Truth in Yogaville, VA

 Truth is One. Paths are Many.

~ Swami Satchidananda

These words are carved into the gates of the LOTUS shrine in Yogaville, Virginia.  As a matter of fact, they are found throughout the ashram ~ on doorways, plaques, and t-shirts.  This is one of the central teachings of this spiritual community.

The Truth being referred to here is that we are all spiritual beings embued with true divine nature and that we all have a divine calling back to the same source ~ God. Swami Satchidananda says we are all  traveling to the same mountaintop.  However, the paths to the top are many. (more…)

To Zen or Not to Zen….That is the Question

I had an eerie feeling as we twisted and turned up the gravel road to the top of the mountain where the Southern Dharma Center is tucked away.  We were arriving for a five day silent retreat. So we thought.    Actually, we had no idea what we had signed up for.

But climbing up this isolated road, for some reason, I was already thinking about an escape plan.

Little did I know that this experience was about doing zazen (Japanese sitting meditation) for over eight hours a day. (Check out this video on zazen meditation). (more…)

Feeling the Love in Asheville, NC

It’s Not About the Biscuits….It’s About the Love

Our first morning in Asheville, we went to the Tupelo Honey Cafe. – a local place renowned for it’s sweet potato pancakes with real maple syrup.  We were told that “we had to have” a sweet potato pancake.  They were right.  It was absolutely splendid…over the top delicious. (more…)

The Journey Begins

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost….

J. R. R. Tolkien

Welcome to our new blog… our new travel blog. Michael and I have down-sized our lives into a spiffy new Murano and we’ve taken off.  We put what things we had left into a storage warehouse and prepaid the bill for a year. Since December 18th, we have been living homefree. For the next year, we will travel the US and Canada letting our hearts, our courage, and our sense of adventure lead the way. (more…)

Why Retreat? See what happened at Old Edwards Inn…

I am finding that it takes

a lot of time to be a woman.

It takes time to have a feeling of space,

A chance to sink into myself.  

As long as I take time to light a candle to my life,

It remains my life.

~ Judith Duerk (more…)