A safe space holds the dream of what we could be and nourishes the Possibility…” ~ Jean Shinoda Bolen, The Millioneth Circle
Everyone who is on a journey of personal and spiritual growth needs a safe space. A designated space or place, internal or external, where we can go to see ourselves, our lives, and each other. A place where we are willing to explore, maybe expose, maybe dream ~ freely. A place where we can tell the truth. (more…)
To be of service to each other is one of the highest acts for our own soul and for humanity.
And I’m not just talking about lending a hand– though that’s important too. I’m talking about lending a heart.
IT IS TRUE….when you give, from the heart, the payoff is really for you. And it’s exponentially fulfilling when we are reaching back and extending a hand and a heart to those who come behind us.
A couple of weeks ago I was reminded of how much I love mentoring young girls. I was in Baltimore for the GEM celebration event and I got to sit in a circle with 15 young girls….(I wish our picture was bigger and better. This is such an AMAZING group of girls.) (more…)
I spend my days writing, teaching and speaking to countless people about Designing Your Life. This is my passion and my purpose. I love teaching people about having a vision for their lives and tools for bringing dreams into reality. I can help you design a beautiful plan of empowered next steps that will keep you moving forward toward your destiny.
But….what about when plans fall apart? I had a plan, a deeply nurtured vision of how I was going to fulfill my dream – my heart’s calling. And it was a good plan. I could see it clear as a bell and I was working it. Then, out of the blue, out of nowhere, came a sharp left turn. An unforeseen turn, an unasked-for redirection, and something I definitely hadn’t planned for. This week I’ve had to deal with best laid plans…..gone awry. (more…)
And you do know it, don’t you? Deep down – where the truth be told – you know you are powerful. Deep down, you know it’s your birthright. Human beings are born naturally powerful. We are biologically and divinely programmed to survive, to thrive, to grow and to excel. Spiritually, we are meant to be happy, joyful, useful, and alive. (more…)
Twice a Month, Every Month, for Twenty Years, Anne has practiced A Day of Silence. From Sunday night at bedtime until Tuesday morning when she wakes up, she doesn’t speak. Not a word. Listening Below the Noise is her beautiful new book about this practice and she is a wise and inspiring teacher on the topic. So inspiring that my husband and I decided to practice A Day of Silence together. (more…)