Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Archive for the ‘Powerful Questions’ Category

What to Do When You Wake Up Changed

Our lives change.

And I’m not talking about the big changes that happen to us.  A job transfer.  A child moves out. Someone dies.

I’m talking about the subtle inner shifts that occur ever so slightly and quietly throughout the days of our lives.  So subtle that you don’t even notice them.

Until one day you wake up and say, “Wait a minute. Something’s really changed.(more…)

Learn to Love the Questions

In conversation last week with someone that I love and that loves me, she said, “You ask too many questions.”  She said “People don’t want to have to think that hard. They want you to just tell them.”  And she goes on to say that people just want to hear the 3 easy steps how-to do, well, anything and everything.


I don’t believe that.  We may think we do, but do we really?  After all, I’m not teaching people how to download a computer file, but how to hear their own wisdom and live their own, authentic lives.  I’m teaching people that no one else holds the answers to your life.  Right? (more…)

What If You Loved Yourself As Much As You Love Others?

Just imagine with me for a moment…

What if

You loved yourself

As much as

You love your children, your partner, your dearest friends…

How might your life be different?

I’m not even suggesting that you love yourself the most, or that you put yourself first.  I’m just suggesting that you love yourself “at least as much as”. (more…)

How Old Are You? Really?

I’m not talking about your chronological age, although that may be what that question means to you. But really, how old are you?  The number bears only part of the definition and can actually be quite deceiving. The real question might be how old do you feel? How old do you act?

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?  
