Kathy Murphy, Ph.D.

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Archive for the ‘Personal Growth’ Category

Why Retreat? See what happened at Old Edwards Inn…

I am finding that it takes

a lot of time to be a woman.

It takes time to have a feeling of space,

A chance to sink into myself.  

As long as I take time to light a candle to my life,

It remains my life.

~ Judith Duerk (more…)

The Gift of Peace – A Meditation for the Season

My gift to you this year is a sweet ten-minute guided meditation to deepen your experience of peace during this very special season –  something to listen to as you sit in front of your Christmas tree – or your Menorah candles – or out in nature –  or just somewhere within the light of your own heart. (more…)

What to Do When You Wake Up Changed

Our lives change.

And I’m not talking about the big changes that happen to us.  A job transfer.  A child moves out. Someone dies.

I’m talking about the subtle inner shifts that occur ever so slightly and quietly throughout the days of our lives.  So subtle that you don’t even notice them.

Until one day you wake up and say, “Wait a minute. Something’s really changed.(more…)

Hearing Your Own Voice

“I have heard it all my life…

A voice calling a name I recognized as my own.


Remember who you are

And let that knowing take you home.”

– Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Remember when you were a child.  You would go out and have grand adventures all day long. Then, at the end of the day, your mother would come to the door and call your name, calling you home.  Back to the place where you belonged, to the place that was safe, where you would be nourished and a place where you could rest. (more…)